Chcolate tart, the Oscars and House ;)

3/10/2010 10:46:00 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
Hi! It's been awhile, I know. I was so busy with my MA and life in general, that I didn't have time to post anything, but today I made something I wanted to make since I saw Julie&Julia and it's a chocolate tart. It's my grams name's day this weekend, and you all know how I love her (well now you know for sure :P) and wanted to do sth special for this occasion and thought that I can kill two birds with one stone baking this tart (cuz I won't deny that I did it partially for myself and my sweet tooth :P). So I spent the whole afternoon in the kitchen, as I had to bake not only my tart but also the other pie that she requested, and this is what I managed to crate:

I dunno how it tastes yet, but I'll be sure to let you know after the weekend. All I know that my grams was ecstatic. I should also mention that i got this amazing recipe from "smaki i aromaty" blog: Tarta czekoladowa i Julia Child.
Edit: the tart was amazing, and I'm not saying that just because I made it :P it really was delicious :)

But that's enough about my baking attempts, let's talk about the Oscars. This year's hosts made me laugh more than any others before them, I knew Alec and Steve together are going to be great, but they totally exceeded my expectations. I must say that the whole gala was awesome, presenters were funny, well most of them, I'd never forget Ben Stiller's avatar. Some recipients were more entertaining or touching than others-> Sandra Bullock and her 'Meryl Streep' comments cracked me up. About the winners - no surprises there and thank God for that, I know it'd be more fun but to tell you the truth I'm happy with the results, Mo'nique did an excellent job, her character in Precious was amazingly written but it was her job to make it real and she did it brilliantly; I love SB so of course I rooted for her, and her accent in the Blind Side was genius; Jeff -> after I'd seen Crazy Heart I wanted to go to the music store and buy Bad's album that's how truthful his performance was to me; and of course Inglorious Basterds' Christph Waltz was magnificent, and what a great career ahead of him now. All in all, it was definitely a night to remember and I don't regret staying up till 6 am, especially that Fefa was my long-distance companion through the whole thing(besides the time when she dosed off :P).

Last but not least - new episode of [H]ouse aired on Monday, I don't know if I was so worn out because of the sleep deprivation but I didn't enjoyed it very much. I think that if it wasn't for the last promo and Huddy scene in it I'd dosed off. Of course I loved the speed-dating thing and Wilson as a porn star :P but apart from that nothing special, or should I say nothing as special as I would expect from Egan's episode, still good though ;) hoping for some great stuff to come, but if you're a really crazy Huddy fan *spoiler alert* you already know that up until episode no 21 there is nothing good for us, and it seems very unlikely that the finale will change that... but hope dies last, and with unexpected events that occurred throughout last few seasons I'd say let's stay positive ;)