Anatomy of a Huddy scene - BuddyTV

5/22/2010 04:38:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
'House' Fan Columnist: Anatomy of a Huddy Scene
this gal reads my mind ;)

Behind the Plot Twists of the ‘House’ Season Finale - ArtsBeat Blog -

5/19/2010 09:49:00 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Behind the Plot Twists of the ‘House’ Season Finale - ArtsBeat Blog -

I like the way they think: couple therapy with Wilson that'd be good LOL (Bones , anyone?:P), besides I think that it's a good interview which def answers some questions that one might have after the finale. So enjoy!

one more interview with writers from our awesome Barbara Barnett:
Huddy, House, and "Help Me": An Interview With the Season Finale's Writers - Blogcritics Video

House Finale - do not read if you haven't seen it yet :)

5/18/2010 11:03:00 AM Edit This 3 Comments »
The turmoil that was last night is indescribable. Nobody knew what will happen in the last few mins, so I think you'll all agree that it was a total surprise! But first things first.

I loved the whole episode, using canon 5D was def one of the best decisions ever :D I was on tenterhooks for the whole time. Amazingly written, brilliantly directed and with stunning performance from the cast. Hugh Laurie's House left me breathless especially in the scene when House told Hannah about his leg, the vulnerability mirrored in his eyes, his face, he showed how very fragile House really is and it was pure and simple and truthful.

The Huddy dynamics during the episode left me so exhausted and so wonderfully fulfilled like it never did before :P First of all I have to say that I knew about engagement, the fight, the 'I don't love you' and 'I'm done' as I am a spoiler addict, so I thought I was prepared, but I couldn't be more wrong. The minute Cuddy yelled at him I was like 'that stupid bitch I'm gonna bite her head off', which shocked me as I love LisaE and her Cuddy oh so very much :D I was proud of House, I felt like he was the one being an adult there, and the 'man-child' line -> priceless ;) Next superb scene -> House closing door of an ambulance with cuddy standing before him... it carried so many emotions and was so meaningful, like @mel3577 said as if he was saying that he's done too. And than goes the final scene, I'd never, in a million years, predict such a finale. And those interviews with LisaE when she said that there is hope for huddy, but now it's not the time as she has to explore her relationship with lucass blah blah blah, perfectly blurred my vision :P I mean they totally played us (spoiler-a-holics) LOL I was in such a state after the finale that I stayed up till 5am cuz I was no where near being tired, I was hyper, wish I could go out for a run. I just couldn't believe my eyes and still need to pinch myself from time to time to know it's all true :P The scene was flawless, the fact that cuddy let him make the decision on his own (pills) and that she was the one who came to him, and was so open and basically lay all her cards on the table for him to see and act on it, I loved it all. The kiss left me speechless, and after the hands I was in heaven :D Bravo both Lisa and Hugh for this amazing scene, those emotions running through their faces, visible in their eyes, and @GregYaitanes for doing such a good job with directing, again.

And to stay in this blissfulness Katie Jacobs said, in a still hot interview with @MichaelAusiello, that Huddy relationship "isn’t something that will work or fail in just one episode. We’re going to attempt to make a true exploration of this relationship." So yeah peeps, it's really happening! Huddy <3

And now I'm off to drink some lemon balm tea from my Huddy mug to calm myself (yup still way too excited to focus) and on with writing my thesis :P

Chcolate tart, the Oscars and House ;)

3/10/2010 10:46:00 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
Hi! It's been awhile, I know. I was so busy with my MA and life in general, that I didn't have time to post anything, but today I made something I wanted to make since I saw Julie&Julia and it's a chocolate tart. It's my grams name's day this weekend, and you all know how I love her (well now you know for sure :P) and wanted to do sth special for this occasion and thought that I can kill two birds with one stone baking this tart (cuz I won't deny that I did it partially for myself and my sweet tooth :P). So I spent the whole afternoon in the kitchen, as I had to bake not only my tart but also the other pie that she requested, and this is what I managed to crate:

I dunno how it tastes yet, but I'll be sure to let you know after the weekend. All I know that my grams was ecstatic. I should also mention that i got this amazing recipe from "smaki i aromaty" blog: Tarta czekoladowa i Julia Child.
Edit: the tart was amazing, and I'm not saying that just because I made it :P it really was delicious :)

But that's enough about my baking attempts, let's talk about the Oscars. This year's hosts made me laugh more than any others before them, I knew Alec and Steve together are going to be great, but they totally exceeded my expectations. I must say that the whole gala was awesome, presenters were funny, well most of them, I'd never forget Ben Stiller's avatar. Some recipients were more entertaining or touching than others-> Sandra Bullock and her 'Meryl Streep' comments cracked me up. About the winners - no surprises there and thank God for that, I know it'd be more fun but to tell you the truth I'm happy with the results, Mo'nique did an excellent job, her character in Precious was amazingly written but it was her job to make it real and she did it brilliantly; I love SB so of course I rooted for her, and her accent in the Blind Side was genius; Jeff -> after I'd seen Crazy Heart I wanted to go to the music store and buy Bad's album that's how truthful his performance was to me; and of course Inglorious Basterds' Christph Waltz was magnificent, and what a great career ahead of him now. All in all, it was definitely a night to remember and I don't regret staying up till 6 am, especially that Fefa was my long-distance companion through the whole thing(besides the time when she dosed off :P).

Last but not least - new episode of [H]ouse aired on Monday, I don't know if I was so worn out because of the sleep deprivation but I didn't enjoyed it very much. I think that if it wasn't for the last promo and Huddy scene in it I'd dosed off. Of course I loved the speed-dating thing and Wilson as a porn star :P but apart from that nothing special, or should I say nothing as special as I would expect from Egan's episode, still good though ;) hoping for some great stuff to come, but if you're a really crazy Huddy fan *spoiler alert* you already know that up until episode no 21 there is nothing good for us, and it seems very unlikely that the finale will change that... but hope dies last, and with unexpected events that occurred throughout last few seasons I'd say let's stay positive ;)

Oda do HEL(L)a

2/11/2010 04:09:00 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
Just a little something, or should I say something stupid, I found in my old notebook (yes, i did have one :P) ;) some of you may remember this lol. And please keep in mind that this was written for pure fun, and not to offend anybody.

My writing may be a problem so here it goes:

Oda do HEL(L)a

Siedzimy z Fefą na Hel(l)u
Ludzi jest tu niewielu
Życie przez palce nam przelatuje
a AZS nam w głowach psuje
Chciałybyśmy uciec stąd
ale nie wiemy dokąd
The story of English oglądamy
i już tym Helem bełtamy
Koleś opowiada o różnościach
a nasze umysły pogrążają się w ciemościach
Oczy mamy coraz mniejsze
Kiedyś życie było piękniejsze
Czas leci bardzo bardzo powoli
Można powiedzieć że praktycznie stoi
Coraz szybsze jest serc naszych bicie
W naszych żyłach znowu tętni życie
Tak to koniec tego wykłady
W następnym tygodniu znów damy czadu.

It'll lost too much in translation so I'm not gonna do it lol. Anyways, it ain't the best poetry(?!) you've ever read but it definitely helped us pass the time ;) and now reading this brings smile to my face ;) oh, and sorry for the word choice in this thing, soo wrong :P

And on a different note: Ellen is finally on American Idol as the Hollywood week has started on Tuesday, ain't that great :D I think that by the live shows she'll get her groove, I love Ellen and I know that she'll be great, but I miss Paula terribly, and I was extremely happy to hear Andy Garcia doing his own version of 'Straight up' last night, he was awesome:

Cuddy is the new Bauer ;)

2/09/2010 05:44:00 PM Edit This 3 Comments »

I wanted to title this post "How Huddy got its groove back" but I soon realized that it wouldn't be fair to Lisa Edelstein as it was a theater of one woman yesterday! She was magnificent. I could go on and on about her breathtaking performance, and I'm even more ecstatic to see that she got great reviews. I really hope she'll get Emmy nomination this year cuz she simply earned it.
Of course I loved Huddy in this episode, the chemistry Cuddy and House shared reminded me of old times, the easiness between them, the comfort and the mutual understanding blown me away, I really missed it.
All in all, the mixture of brilliant writing, acting and directing made me feel like I was watching an episode of 24, and I can only assume that it is extremely hard to achieve such intensity in medical drama genre (not many of such eps out there). For the first time I was not pissed at the commercials as it was the only time I could catch my breath ;) more than once I was about to scream for House to bring the paddles cuz i'm about to go into cardiac arrest lol, you do get my point, right? ;) If you haven't seen it yet, do it, cuz it's profanity if you decide to skip it for some reason :P

PS. Looking forward to 6x17 which is directed by Hugh :)

oh and the song that reminds me of my favorite dean (sorry dean Wallas lol):

*no AM version on YT

LisaE on Matty in the Morning

2/04/2010 04:03:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Okay so I was away for awhile, skiing and stuff lol, anyways when I got back there were 2 eps of House waiting for me...I gotta tell you I was in TV heaven ;P both 'Remorse' and 'Moving the Chains' were amazing, but what kept me awake at Monday night or rather Tuesday morning was the promo for 5to9, of course up until the last Monday I'd read lots of things about this ep, but promo actually made me squeak lol. And when I saw first 3,5 mins posted by Ausiello and got the proof for the rumor about Lupus being 2-minute guy I was laughing all day, every time this thought crossed my mind or somebody asked me about House, or I 'accidentally' put on 9to5 Dolly Parton (ya'll know how I love country :D) I just burst out laughing, but wouldn't you?! I have great expectations for this ep as it's getting great reviews, critics say LisaE is amazing in it and that Huddy scenes are to die for (okay i'm exaggerating but you got my point :>) so I wanna see it really badly :D Today LisaE was on Matty in the Morning which is an audition on Kiss 108 FM - Bostonian Radio, I had an opportunity to listen to it live (thx to twitter - turns out it can be helpful ;P #Cuddy5to9) and record it so here it is:

sneak peaks: