Cuddy is the new Bauer ;)

2/09/2010 05:44:00 PM Edit This 3 Comments »

I wanted to title this post "How Huddy got its groove back" but I soon realized that it wouldn't be fair to Lisa Edelstein as it was a theater of one woman yesterday! She was magnificent. I could go on and on about her breathtaking performance, and I'm even more ecstatic to see that she got great reviews. I really hope she'll get Emmy nomination this year cuz she simply earned it.
Of course I loved Huddy in this episode, the chemistry Cuddy and House shared reminded me of old times, the easiness between them, the comfort and the mutual understanding blown me away, I really missed it.
All in all, the mixture of brilliant writing, acting and directing made me feel like I was watching an episode of 24, and I can only assume that it is extremely hard to achieve such intensity in medical drama genre (not many of such eps out there). For the first time I was not pissed at the commercials as it was the only time I could catch my breath ;) more than once I was about to scream for House to bring the paddles cuz i'm about to go into cardiac arrest lol, you do get my point, right? ;) If you haven't seen it yet, do it, cuz it's profanity if you decide to skip it for some reason :P

PS. Looking forward to 6x17 which is directed by Hugh :)

oh and the song that reminds me of my favorite dean (sorry dean Wallas lol):

*no AM version on YT


AgataL said...

Hi :)
Finally, I got to see the Cuddy episode and I am out of breath myself. That was really something!
BTW, thanks for the Kiss 108 FM interview - it was fun to listen to, especially with your reactions to what was said in the background (8:05) ;D
Actually, I found this interview at their website as a podcast - a downloadable file. :)

AgataL said...

Sorry, the link again

beti86 said...

haha I was really trying hard not to laugh, i mean those guys have no shame lol and thx for the link :)